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Zero Expectations = Happy Travels

Updated: Sep 26, 2022

Story time.

We were traveling a few years back when I turned to my friend and said,

"I love traveling. I love planning. I should make a business."

"Do it." they said.

Traveling is a lot of fun. As a child, I would travel all over the United States with different members of my family. As I became an adult, however, I noticed it was no longer so..."magical".

Which flight should I book? Which hotel do I go to? Do I even stay at a hotel? What about AirBnB? I heard about that AirBnB there I probably shouldn't do it. Should I rent a car?

That's where your brain starts. Then you have to think about the activities.

Theme park? Nature hike? Bike rides? Tours? Beach and chill? Rock climb? Aquariums? Hall of fames? Baseball stadiums? Zip-lining? Spelunking?!? (It's a thing)

Don't even get me started on where to go for food. Looking through ratings alone will take you hours.

After all this time and planning, you go on your trip with the expectation that it will be awesome and then it's just...not. You did have fun, and everything was not ruined, but you feel as though something was missing. You had an expectation of what it was going to be like and then it doesn't end up quite like you hoped it would. You put all this time and effort into the trip planning, and it doesn't feel like it paid off.

That's why I built Tranquil Travelers with a twist to it. With a surprise!

When it's a surprise, you get everything that traveling gives you - new experiences, new tastes, new sights and sounds - but because you didn't spend all the time planning every hour of the trip, you have zero expectations, and our clients are overall happier with the trip as a result.

Go for the surprise trip. You won't regret that you did.

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